The untitled comedy is set in 1997 following the Los Angeles drive-by killing of the iconic East Coast rapper. "In South Central Los Angeles, the heart of West Coast gangster rap, a group of teenage social outcasts attempts to solve the mystery of the murder of their hero, Biggie Smalls," reports Deadline. Comedians Fowler and Kasher are expected to have roles on the show, in addition to serving as co-creators and writers. On the early morning of March 9, 1997, Notorious B.I.G. was shot multiple times at the intersection of Wilshire Blvd and Fairfax Avenue -- across from where the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures will open later this year -- while departing a Soul Train Awards after-party. He was driven to the hospital, where he later died.
TOPICS: Notorious B.I.G., Showtime, Untitled Notorious B.I.G. Comedy, Jermaine Fowler, Moshe Kasher, In Development