Both shows, developed under the network's script to series model, are expected to premiere in 2023. Demascus, created by Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm, revolves around Demascus, "a 33-year-old Black man who goes on a journey of self-discovery using an innovative new technology that allows him to experience different versions of his own life," according to Variety. Invitation to a Bonfire, created by Rachel Caris Love based on the book of the same name by Adrienne Celt, is described as "a psychological thriller set in the 1930s at an all-girls boarding school in New Jersey. Inspired by Vladimir and Vera Nabokov’s codependent marriage, the story revolves around Zoya, a young Russian immigrant and groundskeeper, who is drawn into a lethal love triangle with the school’s newest faculty member — an enigmatic novelist — and his bewitching wife."
TOPICS: AMC, Demascus, Invitation to a Bonfire, Adrienne Celt, Rachel Caris Love , Tearrance Arvelle, In Development