"While it’s still too early to say anything definitively, there is one indication that CNN could be less focused on covering its competitor Fox News going forward," says Mediaite's Colby Hall. "Effective coverage of Fox News has always been a conundrum for CNN. During the Donald Trump administration, many opinion hosts on Fox News openly parroted the president’s political rhetoric and conspiracy theories. Some even maintained a close but informal advisory role with Trump. Zucker saw that as a major story. He condemned Fox News as 'state-run television' — a claim not that far off given the cozy relationship Trump had with, say, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and many Fox News executives, like Bill Shine, who eventually worked in the Trump White House. And Zucker’s views of CNN’s competitor permeated throughout the network, which dedicated significant coverage to Fox...But according to transcripts, there has been something of an editorial shift since Feb. 2 when Jeff Zucker left CNN’s Hudson Yards offices for the last time as the network’s president."
TOPICS: Jeff Zucker, CNN, Fox News Channel, Cable News