The slasher film series revolving around the killer doll Chucky that spanned seven films from 1988 to 2017 appears closer to becoming a TV series. After revealing last winter that he was working on a TV adaptation, series creator Don Mancini tweeted a gif on Friday of "Child's Play: The TV Series - Do Not Adjust Your Set." No further details were revealed, such as casting and potential landing spots. Mancini has been writing for TV in recent years, including episodes of Hannibal and Channel Zero. The Child's Play series starred Deadwood's Brad Dourif as Charles Lee "Chucky" Ray, a notorious serial killer whose spirit inhabits a "Good Guy" doll, who tries to transfer his soul from the doll to a human body. No word on whether Dourif would be involved in the potential TV series.
TOPICS: Child's Play, Brad Dourif, Don Mancini