The long-running ABC reality show has been renewed for Seasons 31 and 32 on Disney+, "becoming the first live series to debut on the service," reports Deadline's Lynette Rice. "It is also believed to be the first live streaming reality show in the U.S., marking another milestone for direct-to-consumer platforms." ABC has advised its affiliates that, starting this fall, it will simulcast some of ESPN's Monday Night Football games on Mondays instead of Dancing with the Stars. ABC won't show repeats of Dancing. “After over 30 seasons of the program on ABC, including two spin-offs, Dancing with the Stars will move off of ABC this fall in order for the Network to showcase several Monday Night Football games as well as develop and invest in new and future programming,” ABC said in a statement. Dancing premiered in summer 2005 and helped fill the Monday void left by Monday Night Football moving to ESPN after the 2005 NFL season, with the premiere NFL games moving to NBC's Sunday Night Football. According to Rice, "as part of ESPN’s MNF contract, beginning in 2022, ABC will air exclusively an additional Monday Night Football game, which will expand to three in 2023." ABC will also have an exclusive Monday Night Football contest at some point in the NFL season.
TOPICS: Dancing with the Stars, ABC, Disney+, Monday Night Football, Cancelations, Renewals & Pickups, Reality TV