The animated comedy-adventure series about a crime-fighting high schooler is becoming a live-action movie as part of the Disney Channel Original Movie franchise. Kim Possible aired on Disney Channel from 2002 to 2007, including two animated movies. Creators Mark McCorkle and Robert Schooley along with The DUFF writer Josh Cagan will pen the script. "Mark and Bob created an enduring character and kids all over the world found a friend in her, an average girl who just happens to spend her off-school hours thwarting evil villains," said Disney Channel’s Adam Bonnett. "Although Kim Possible 'can do anything,' kids and tweens found that this animated redhead was just like them.” The film will be directed by Adam B. Stein and Zach Lipovsky, who met as finalists on Fox's On the Lot, the reality filmmaker competition from Steven Spielberg and Mark Burnett that ran in the summer of 2007.
TOPICS: Disney Channel, Kim Possible, On the Lot, Adam Bonnett, Adam B. Stein, Josh Cagan , Mark Burnett, Mark McCorkle, Robert Schooley, Steven Spielberg, Zach Lipovsky