"These series will likely include shows centered on Loki and the Scarlet Witch, along with other beloved superheroes who have yet to appear in their own standalone movies," reports Variety's Justin Kroll, who was unable to get Disney and Marvel to comment. "There’s an important distinction from other Marvel small screen efforts, however," he adds. "The actors who portrayed these heroes and villains in the Avengers films and their spin-offs, such as Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen, are expected to play them in the streaming shows. Moreover, though sources close to the production are staying mum on the cost of the programming, the budgets are expected to be hefty rivaling those of a major studio productions. Each series is expected to include six to eight episodes. Marvel Studios will produce the shows and Kevin Feige, the guru of all things MCU, is expected to take a hands-on role in their development."
TOPICS: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Hiddleston, Disney