The Aaron Sorkin drama has a "Donna Problem," Monica Hesse says of Bradley Whitford's Josh Lyman and Janel Moloney's Donna Moss. Through the lens of a post-#MeToo viewing of the show, Josh's character displayed troubling behavior, especially as a boss, in the six seasons before they eventually started dating. "Has Josh harassed Donna? Not really, by legal definition," says Hesse. "But has Josh’s possessive sexual interest in his underling held back her career? Probably: When she finally quits, she quickly rises through the ranks of another political campaign. More important, is Josh’s behavior an example of what we’re currently trying to educate men not to do in the workplace? Yes. Absolutely. Don’t be Josh. Josh’s behavior used to be considered cute. It’s not cute anymore."
TOPICS: The West Wing, NBC, Aaron Sorkin, Bradley Whitford, Harvey Weinstein, Janel Moloney, Retro TV, Sexual Misconduct, Time's Up