Inspired by the life of series creator Tracy McMillan, the eight-episode Unprisoned the show follows a messy but perfectionist relationship therapist and single mom (Washington) who has her life turned right-side-up when her dad (Lindo) gets out of prison and moves in with her and her teenage son. Unprisoned is Onyx Collective's first comedy. “From the moment Tracy McMillan brought this project to Simpson Street, we knew that it had the potential to be provocative, groundbreaking and life-affirming,” says Washington. “I love this show. I love these characters and the stories that they inspire. And I’m extremely excited to be working, once again, with both Onyx collective and ABC signature, and honored to be collaborating with this talented group of creative partners.”
TOPICS: Kerry Washington, Hulu, Unprisoned, Delroy Lindo, Tracy McMillan, In Development, Onyx Collective