New-Gen, based on the Marvel comic book series of the same name, "follows twin brothers and nanotech-enhanced superheroes (Stranger Things‘ Finn Wolfhard and brother Nick Wolfhard are the voices) as they work to save the world of New-Gen from destructive war," per Deadline. "The futuristic utopia of scientific and mechanical wonders seeks to balance nature and technology, weaving together an ecologically sustainable paradise. Heady, who earned Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for her linchpin role in HBO’s Game of Thrones, will voice the beautiful and prophetic Thea, the matriarch of the Association of the Protection of New-Gen. Wilson will play Roboduck, a comical and mischievous sidekick whose special ability is burping fire." No word yet on where New-Gen will be shown.
TOPICS: Lena Headey, New-Gen, Finn Wolfhard, Luke Wilson, Nick Wolfhard, In Development, Marvel