The two remaining Marvel series on Netflix have been axed, with The Punisher ending after two seasons and Jessica Jones saying goodbye after the upcoming Season 3. Netflix's unsurprising decision follows last year's surprising cancelations of Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Daredevil. "Marvel’s The Punisher will not return for a third season on Netflix,” Netflix said in a statement. “Showrunner Steve Lightfoot, the terrific crew, and exceptional cast including star Jon Bernthal, delivered an acclaimed and compelling series for fans, and we are proud to showcase their work on Netflix for years to come...In addition, in reviewing our Marvel programming, we have decided that the upcoming third season will also be the final season for Marvel’s Jessica Jones. We are grateful to showrunner Melissa Rosenberg, star Krysten Ritter and the entire cast and crew, for three incredible seasons of this groundbreaking series, which was recognized by the Peabody Awards among many others. We are grateful to Marvel for five years of our fruitful partnership and thank the passionate fans who have followed these series from the beginning." Bernthal released a statement on Instagram, saying: "To all who have served. All who know loss. All who love and understand Frank and his pain. It has been an honor to walk in his boots." Ritter wrote on Instagram: "It has been a dream to play Jessica alongside my amazing cast and the best crew in the business for these past 5 years. I am so grateful for every second of it. We have THE BEST fans."Meanwhile, Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb hinted that the canceled Netflix shows could live on in other forms. "As Matthew Murdock's dad once said, 'The measure of a man is not how he gets knocked to the mat, it's how he gets back up.' To be continued," he said in a statement.
TOPICS: Marvel’s Jessica Jones, Netflix, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Marvel's Luke Cage, Marvel's The Punisher, Jeph Loeb, Jon Bernthal, Krysten Ritter, Cancelations, Renewals & Pickups, Marvel