Samurai Rabbit is the first animated series based on Sakai's long-running Usagi Yojimbo comic books that began in 1984. Samurai Rabbit, which counts James Wan as an executive producer, "follows the teenage Rabbit Samurai Yuichi, descendent of the great warrior Miyamoto Usagi, on his epic quest to become a true samurai," per Deadline. "But he isn’t alone. He leads a ragtag team of misfit heroes – including a roguish bounty hunter, a cunning ninja, an acrobatic pickpocket and a faithful pet lizard – as he battles depth-charging moles, metal-tipped winged bats and monsters from another dimension, all in the pursuit to become the best samurai Usagi."
TOPICS: Netflix, Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, Stan Sakai, In Development