"Any episode of television that came close to these numbers on a terrestrial channel would be a cultural juggernaut," says Willa Paskin, adding: "Anyone who has been on Twitter or the cultural corners of the internet in the last few weeks knows that You had become a 'thing,[' a show that was suddenly 'everywhere,' one of the fidget spinners of television. But even for those clued in to You, the idea that it was watched by 40 million people? Get outta here! (This is even more true for Sex Education, which does not feel to me, anyway, like it has been quite so 'everywhere.') Forty million people just is not a number we’re used to seeing anymore. Forty million should get you on the cover of Time magazine. Forty million should mean that my mother and my uncle and my grandmother have heard about it. Forty million should mean you’re the monoculture, long considered killed by cultural fragmentation. Could it be that the monoculture still exists, but we just don’t know what it is?" ALSO: Hollywood isn't amused with Netflix releasing viewership figures without any verification.
TOPICS: You (Netflix series), Netflix, Ratings