The 1990s animated series that ran from 1991 to 2004 has been picked up for a new 26-episode season on Nickelodeon, starring Chuckie, Tommy, Phil, Lil, Susie, Angelica and a new world of characters. The kids' TV franchise will also be made into a live-action film featuring CGI characters that will be released on Nov. 13, 2020. “Now feels like the ideal time to reintroduce this iconic cast of characters to a whole new generation of young fans,” said Brian Robbins, president of Paramount Players. “Kids who grew up with Tommy Pickles and the Rugrats crew will now be able to share that experience with their own children.” Rugrats follows Nickelodeon's new plan to revive classic shows, from Blue's Clues to Double Dare.
TOPICS: Rugrats, Nickelodeon, Brian Robbins, Kids TV, Revivals