The Charlie Day co-created Fox sitcom, boasting a cast of David Alan Grier, Martin Mull, Vicki Lawrence, Leslie Jordan, features jokes that are "soft and more fun-loving than caustic," says Tim Goodman. "They won't make you double over laughing (or maybe they will — your mileage may vary when it comes to comedy). But what does work here is the effortless ease with which Mull, Grier, Lawrence and Jordan never miss a beat. Set-up, punch line, retort, set-up, punch line, sight gags, physical humor — they've got this down. These are comic vets, in some cases legends, and they will take The Cool Kids to heights that are probably higher than the material or even the format merits."
TOPICS: The Cool Kids, FOX, Charlie Day, David Alan Grier, Leslie Jordan, Martin Mull, Paul Fruchbom, Vicki Lawrence