The drama series adaptation of Nguyen's Pulitzer Prize-winning espionage thriller The Sympathizer, from director and co-showrunner Park Chan-wook and Don McKellar, will mark Downey's first leading TV role as well as his first post-Marvel role. According to Deadline, Downey "is set to play multiple supporting roles as the main antagonists — all of whom represent a different arm of the American establishment including an up-and-coming Orange County congressman, a CIA agent and a Hollywood film director, among others." A worldwide search is underway for the lead role, described as a half-French, half-Vietnamese communist spy during the final days of the Vietnam War, and the rest of the predominantly Vietnamese ensemble in the “blistering exploration of identity and America, a gripping spy novel and a powerful story of love and friendship." “Adapting Mr. Nguyen’s important and masterful work requires a visionary team,” said Downey, who will serve as an executive producer. “With director Park at the helm, I expect this to be a creative producing adventure for Susan, me and Team Downey and a stimulating process for myself in playing these complex supporting roles. A24 and HBO are the perfect combination of partners and co-parents. … It’s exactly the type of challenge I’ve been craving, and I believe we will deliver an exceptional viewing experience to our audience.”
TOPICS: Robert Downey Jr, HBO, The Sympathizer, Don McKellar, Park Chan-wook , Viet Thanh Nguyen, In Development