The CBS All Access series “stands tall alongside the best-regarded incarnations of the Trek franchise even as it raids elements from all of them,” says Matt Zoller Seitz. He adds that the new Trek is “notable as a rare work of true science fiction in a medium that too often settles for science-fiction-flavored action, science-fiction-flavored horror, and so on, amping up superficial thrills while neglecting the attention of ideas that distinguish the genre at its best. Splitting the difference between commercial slickness and graphic-novel solemnity, this Trek offers PG-13 violence, audience-pandering exposition dumps, cliffhanger endings, Game of Thrones–style pomp, and a touch of Lost’s mystery-box plotting, but also poker-faced musings on quantum science, moral relativism, logic vs. instinct, race vs. culture, and the military’s tendency to corrupt science in service of war.”
TOPICS: CBS All Access, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek