Aaron McGruder's animated series, which last aired on Adult Swim in 2014, has been picked up for two more "reimagined" seasons. HBO Max has ordered 24 episodes in all, with the first set to premiere in fall 2020 with a 50-minute episode. All 55 previous episodes of The Boondocks, which aired for four seasons from 2005 to 2014 on Adult Swim, will also be available to stream on HBO Max. "The Boondocks was a revolutionary series that sparked conversations on hot button issues and brought dark subjects into the light with episodes like 'The Trial of Robert Kelly,' 'The Fundraiser' and 'The Story of Gangstalicious,'" said Kevin Reilly, chief content officer for HBO Max and president of TBS, TNT and TruTV. "Aaron is a gifted visionary whose unique style of storytelling is a welcome voice, and we are elated the Freemans are making their thugnificent comeback on HBO Max." McGruder added: "There’s a unique opportunity to revisit the world of The Boondocks and do it over again for today. It’s crazy how different the times we live in are now — both politically and culturally — more than a decade past the original series and two decades past the original newspaper comic. There’s a lot to say and it should be fun.”
TOPICS: The Boondocks, Adult Swim, HBO Max, Aaron McGruder, Kevin Reilly, Revivals