The potential series will be based on characters created by DC Comics artist and writer Joëlle Jones. "Wonder Girl centers on Yara Flor, a Latina Dreamer who was born of an Amazonian Warrior and a Brazilian River God, learns that she is Wonder Girl," according to Deadline. "With her newfound power must fight the evil forces that would seek to destroy the world...The series tells the backstory/origin story of the DC Comics character of Yara Flor, who was recently revealed as a new Wonder Woman. Yara will make her comic book appearance this January in Future State: Wonder Woman, part of DC’s Future State event written and drawn by Jones." Wonder Girl would mark the first DC TV Latina character. Greg Berlanti will serve as executive producer through his Berlanti Productions, with Queen of the South executive producer Dailyn Rodriguez, the daughter of Cuban immigrants, serving as writer and showrunner.
TOPICS: The CW, Wonder Girl, Dailyn Rodriguez, Greg Berlanti, Joëlle Jones, DC Comics, In Development, Latinx TV