In addition to targeting Pixar, Toy Story, Netflix's Russian Doll and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, next Sunday's annual Halloween episode is going after the potential re-election of Donald Trump as president. A clip from "Treehouse of Horror XXXI" shows Homer Simpson in the voting booth undecided on whom he should chose for president. "That's a stumper," says Homer. A masked Lisa Simpson then confronts her dad. "You're hesitating on the president," she says. "Dad? By all that's decent, how could you forget everything that's happened the last four years?" The Simpsons then lists 50 reasons not to re-elect Trump, including "Put children in cages," "Called Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple,'" "Ruined impeachment," "Destroyed post office," "Said to swallow bleach" and "Paid $750 in taxes." ALSO: The Simpsons mocked Bernie Sanders' "Bernie Bros." on Sunday's episode.
TOPICS: Trump Presidency, FOX, The Simpsons, Bernie Sanders, 2020 Presidential Election, Halloween