The A&E reality show revolving around Mark, Donnie and Paul Wahlberg's casual dining burger restaurant chain is ending after the upcoming 10th season, which premieres May 15. Wahlburgers debuted in February 2014 with a focus on the opening of the first Wahlburgers restaurant in Massachusetts. Thanks in part to the success of the show Wahlburgers, the chain now has 30-plus locations, including restaurants in Canada, Alabama, Ohio, Texas and California. "Creating the Wahlburgers restaurants has been an incredible experience, and we are so grateful to have shared it with A&E viewers these last nine seasons," said Mark Wahlberg in a statement. Donnie Wahlburg added: "It's been an amazing journey that has brought us closer together as a family and launched our little business to heights we never could've imagined." Wahlbugers' Season 10 premiere will be followed by the series debut of The Employables, a docuseries following people who have conditions like autism and Tourette syndrome as they search for employment.
TOPICS: Mark Wahlberg, A&E, The Employables, Wahlburgers, Donnie Wahlberg, Paul Wahlberg, Cancelations, Renewals & Pickups, Reality TV