The lack of buzz for Gaslit, starring Oscar-winning A-list movie stars Julia Roberts and Sean Penn, is a sign that there is too much television these days, says Kevin Fallon. "We’ve reached the Too Much TV Apocalypse," he says. "It’s a dystopian level as we approach the end of April. But, at a time when over 500 scripted TV series alone come out each year, there is something sort of existential about it, in terms of the industry and for us as fans. When there’s this much content, so much of it that people don’t even realize it exists because it would be impossible to have awareness, let alone interest, in all of these projects, then what is the point of it all? The easy answer that smug industry folk have at the ready in relation to, at least, why right now seems so busy is: Emmys. The deadline for TV shows and episodes to be eligible for Emmy consideration is the end of May, which means weekly series need to launch now in order to qualify. But when there are dozens of these series coming out at the same time to the extent that my beloved Julia Roberts alongside Sean Penn-in-a-fat-suit can’t command people’s attention—because none of the series can—I again ask: What’s the point?"
TOPICS: Gaslit, Julia Roberts, Sean Penn, Peak TV, Prestige TV