Popular sitcom Married...With Children is returning to TV with its original cast, but this time, they'll be appearing in animated form. Ed O’Neill, Katey Sagal, Christina Applegate, and David Faustino are reprising their roles as members of the Bundy family in an animated reboot series. The comedy is not yet attached to any network or streaming service, but according to Deadline, it's currently on the market, with multiple interested outlets.
Family Guy's co-executive producer Alex Carter will write the new animated series and serve as executive producer and showrunner. Sony, which owned and distributed the original Married... With Children, will produce via Sony Pictures Television.
Married...With Children ran for 11 seasons on Fox, from 1987 through 1997. The show was such a hit that it established Fox as a contender in the broadcast TV sphere. At the time, the sitcom was considered somewhat controversial due to its not so family-friendly jokes and storylines.
The original Married...With Children is currently streaming on Hulu.
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Deena ElGenaidi's writing has been featured in Nylon, MTV News, Insider, The AV Club, and more. You can follow her on Twitter @deenaelg.
TOPICS: Married with Children, Married with Children (Animated Series), Christina Applegate, David Faustino, Ed O'Neill, Katey Sagal