Adventure Time: Distant Lands brings the beloved cartoon back for a series of four hour-long specials, and you can watch the first four minutes of the second installment, entitled Obsidian, right here.
It seems Marceline the Vampire Queen had long ago imprisoned a dragon beneath the Glass Kingdom, but a young bookworm named Glassboy, self-conscious about the crack in his head, ventures into the dragon's lair to fix it with the heat of the furnace. The dragon turns out to be not quite as slain as Glassboy believed.
Adventure Time: Distant Lands — Obsidian premieres November 19 on HBO Max.
Andy Hunsaker has a head full of sitcom gags and nerd-genre lore, and can be followed @AndyHunsaker if you're into that sort of thing.
TOPICS: Adventure Time, HBO Max, Adventure Time: Distant Lands, Adventure Time: Distant Lands — Obsidian