The Hasbro classic board game debuted in 1949 after inventor Anthony E. Pratt created it during World War II to pass time during air raid drills in England. The animated series follows Clue's adaptation as a 1985 black comedy mystery film. Fox Entertainment president Michael Thorn said of the Clue adaptation, which is being developed by Hasbro-owned eOne: "'Colonel Mustard…In the Conservatory…With the lead pipe.’ By just hearing these colorful phrases alone, you immediately know what they mean — leaving no mystery as to why ‘Clue’ is one of the most beloved board games-turned-IP of all time. We couldn’t be more excited to develop it as an animated series along with eOne and Bento Box."
TOPICS: Hasbro, FOX, Clue, Michael Thorn, EOne Television, In Development