"The show, an extension of the budding Magic Mike extended universe (two movies, a third on the way, a live Vegas show that has expanded worldwide, and an upcoming Broadway adaptation), should ostensibly be raunchy fun — a group of guys compete for the chance to win $100,000 as they train to join the parade of hunks in the Vegas production of Magic Mike Live. If that’s all it were, it would probably still be worth a watch," says Tres Dean. "That the series eschews an easy base hit for a risk that turns out to be a home run makes it essential viewing. What it leaves us with is not only a competition show that taps into the (sorry) magic of the second film in the franchise, but also a reality show that explores modern masculinity with a tenderness we’ve not seen since the early seasons of Netflix’s Queer Eye reboot."
TOPICS: Finding Magic Mike , HBO Max, Reality TV