Matt Reeves originally said his prequel series to his 2022 The Batman film was to focus on the Gotham PD, from a crooked cop's perspective. But Ed Brubacker, who co-wrote the Gotham Central comic with Greg Rucka, says the series will focus on James Gordon -- and suggested that Jeffrey Wright, who plays Jim Gordon in the film, may be attached to the spinoff. “They’re making sure that they don’t call it Gotham Central, and it’s more of a spinoff from the movie. It’s like the James Gordon show,” Brubaker said in an interview with Kevin Mith, according to Batman News. “I was like ‘maybe they’re really going to make Gotham Central this time,’ and so I reached out to a producer who works for Matt Reeves and he says, ‘no, that’s not really Gotham Central.’” So apparently Reeves is doing what Fox's Gotham did, again.
TOPICS: Gotham PD, HBO Max, Gotham, Ed Brubacker, In Development