"It is intriguing, if not outright suspicious, that the show has chosen to give unnecessary screen time to Jimmy Woo, an FBI agent first introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU, in 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp," says Akin Olla. "The MCU already has two organizations well equipped to deal with supernatural entities: the organization Sword (Sentient World Observation and Response Department) is featured heavily in the show, and the tattered remains of Shield (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division) continue to appear in Marvel movies even after the agency’s initial demise in Captain America: Winter Soldier. The character of Jimmy Woo wasn’t even in the original concept of WandaVision, but was suggested as an addition by Marvel executives. There are rumors that Marvel’s favorite FBI agent will get his own show in the near future, but his presence here still makes little sense. While it isn’t yet clear whether the FBI is directly involved with WandaVision, the mere use of the FBI logo requires approval from the agency. And the special thanks to the Department of Defense, often colloquially called the Pentagon, in the show’s end credits seems like clear evidence of some manner of government involvement. Marvel and Disney’s long histories of collaborating with the US government, in particular the FBI and the Pentagon, to create propaganda – in exchange for military equipment, location access and consultation – is reason for concern." As Olla notes, "the FBI and the Pentagon have both engaged in decades of direct intervention with television and film."
TOPICS: WandaVision, Disney+, Victoria Blade, Marvel