On NBC, Graham and Shepard played Braverman siblings Sarah and Crosby. In real life, she tells Jimmy Kimmel, they're actually neighbors. "Dax has been working on his new house and the way we're situated, I pass him all the time," Graham told Kimmel. "It's a beautiful house, it's going to be incredible, but he basically took what others might consider to be the front lawn and turned it into a massive driveway for all his cars." She jokingly says the neighborhood basically "gave up" complaining a long time ago. "He rides around topless on his motorcycle," she says. "You have to just love him." ALSO: Graham tells Kimmel Gilmore Girls is way more popular in the streaming era than it was when it originally aired.
TOPICS: Lauren Graham, ABC, Gilmore Girls, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Parenthood, Dax Shepard, Late Night