"Actors who luck into an iconic TV role early in their careers basically have one of two options available to them once their series ends: they can either seek out a role that somehow outshines or obscures the work that first landed them on the map, or they can lean into it and hope that gamble evolves into a career," says Melanie McFarland. "Somehow Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams manages to have it both ways with Two Weeks to Live, a nervy black comedy that enables her to show off her chops as a comedic performer and an action star in one swift six-episode pass. She knows the world still sees her as Arya Stark, the small girl who trained to be a killer quick and smart enough to Westeros' all-powerful Night King with an up close and personal stab through the heart."
TOPICS: Maisie Williams, HBO Max, Two Weeks to Live