Lucasfilm announced the CGI-animated series from Green and his Robot Chicken team in 2012. But that was shortly before Lucasfilm was sold to Disney for $4.05 billion, resulting in the shelving of Star Wars Detours and its 39 six-minute episodes and an additional 62 scripts. (One full episode was leaked online.) Green explained to EW why Disney+ isn't currently interested in releasing Star Wars Detours: "Well, there are 39 episodes that were finished for broadcast," says Green. "But we finished them almost 10 years ago, and so there would have to be a bit of reconfiguring of the existing stuff to make it something that Disney+ would release as a Lucasfilm offering. And the way it's been explained to me is that there hasn't been enough interest high enough up to go through what it would take to put it out, and that there isn't an interest in releasing this content on Disney+ from Lucasfilm."
TOPICS: Seth Green, Disney+, Star Wars Detours, Lucasfilm, Star Wars