The rollicking adventures of Alfred Pennyworth (Jack Bannon), the man destined to become Batman's butler, continue in this alternate-universe London.
Set a year after the events of Season 1, England is engulfed in a full-blown civil war, pitting the fascist Raven Society led by Lord Harwood (Jason Flemyng) and his sadistic enforcer Bet Sykes (Paloma Faith) against the dwindling resistance in North London, where Alfred has taken to running a black-market club in Soho called The Delaney that welcomes anyone, regardless of politics, Casablanca-style. But he and his former SAS mates Bazza (Hainsley Lloyd Bennett) and Daveboy (Ryan Fletcher) are really considering leaving the country altogether... and Thomas Wayne (Ben Aldridge) and Martha Kane (Emma Paetz) might be their ticket stateside.
Season 2 of Pennyworth premieres December 13 at 9:00 PM ET on Epix.
Andy Hunsaker has a head full of sitcom gags and nerd-genre lore, and can be followed @AndyHunsaker if you're into that sort of thing.
TOPICS: Pennyworth, Epix, Ben Aldridge, Emma Paetz, Hainsley Lloyd Bennett, Jack Bannon, Jason Flemyng, Paloma Faith, Ryan Fletcher, The Batman, DC Comics